How to Log in to Medpros Army?

You already know that Medpros Army is beneficial for Army Members to know the medical conditions of the units in a particular place. Then, how to log in to the Medpors Army Website. Here are the steps for Medpros army login.

  • Search “Medpros Army Mil” and Go to Medpros Army website on this link:

Medpros Army Login

  • Then, click CAC/PKI Login

For your information that before you log in to the website, you must have a Medpros army portal AKO or Certificate of Common Access Card (CAC) or Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). You can get them from your email.

  • Then, you can choose the username or subject according to your certificate.
  • After that, you will face the Department of Defence (DOD) about the Medical Portal and click Agree.
  • Finally, you can see your portal and check Medical Indicator according to the colors.

As explained above, on the Medpros page, there is some info such as name, color code, inspection schedule, and required action. If it is green, you have followed the inspection schedule correctly.

The yellow or amber color indicates that you have not scheduled an inspection yet. If the color code is red, you have been late for the health check.